Family Portrait Time!

One of my favorite parts about photographing families is getting to document changes year after year. Like that favorite auntie or grandma at the holidays, I exclaim about Ella's big girl haircut, Isaiah's new glasses, or Sidney's missing tooth.  It brings me delight to think of the tangible legacy I am helping to create.  Is it a little weird if it makes me want to break out in song like Adam Sandler in The Wedding Singer and say "I wanna grow old with you."  Yeah, I thought it was a little weird too, so we'll just keep that between you me and the computer screen ;)

This year, I've photographed many more extended family shoots, and I'm loving it! I mean, how often does everyone get to be together at the same time? You might as well get some photos!

If you are looking for someone to photograph you and yours, I would love to see you on the other side of my camera before we say cheers to 2016!

Past Celebrations and Future Dreams

Earlier this year I quietly marked 7 years in business. Cue the confetti!  As I celebrated with some sparkling water (fancy, I know), I started dreaming about the next 7 years.  What accomplishments am I proud of and what could I do differently to take my business to the next level?  The slow mulling over these questions led me to attend a business planning workshop this month, which challenged me while equipping me with a map and tools.  Whoop whoop!

I look forward to continuing to share photos from my fabulous clients and a little of my life behind the camera.  The rhythm of that will change a bit, and I’m honestly not quite sure what the new blogging schedule will be, but I do know I need to take a small hiatus as I strategize behind the scenes. 

I’m looooving working on some personal projects as well as a website refresh and hoping to unveil the goodness this fall.  Thanks to all of you who’ve checked the blogfaithfully every Tuesday.  I'm raising my glass to you! 

Enjoy this throwback photo from my 5 year anniversary part....ahh how time does fly!

Guess Who is 1???

Summer time is made for traveling and road trips, so you better believe I've enjoyed zipping around the country these past few months.  I have really loved getting to spend time with my friends in Illinois, especiiiiiially when I get to photograph special moments like this little guy turning one!  I dare you not to smile at his cuteness!  Beth & Matt, I love getting to document your sweet family!  

Izehi Photography One Year Old Child Portrait-101.jpg