Love, Marriage, and now Baby!

One thing I didn’t expect when I first started my photography business was the joy I would experience getting to document the lives of my friends and clients.  Matt and Beth's wedding was three years ago this month (Happy Anniversary!!).  Their beautiful outdoor ceremony filled with delightful fall décor is still one of my all time favorites.  

Fast forward to last month when the Mr. and Mrs., now mom and dad, invited me back to Illinois to photograph the newest member of their family.  I loved getting to meet their little guy!  

Beth and Matt, thank you for being such great friends and champions of my work. I so love getting to be around your family, and I can’t wait until the next time :)  

The leaves on the tall trees surrounding their home created perfect tiny windows for the fall light to escape through.  You better believe I was gleeful to have such a beautiful backdrop.

Hello there Young family....looking good!!

Somebody was a little tired from being in the photos and needed a break ;)

I loved getting to meet the Baby Young!  Now, I know it'll be hard, but resist the urge to try and squeeze his chubby cheeks through the computer screen ;) 

Oh those blue eyes!

After being outside we transitioned inside where I was able to get some candid intimate moments between mama and son.  I really enjoy how they look in black and white.

Beth and her sister Amy own Marcoot Jersey Creamery, creators of ah-mazing artisan cheese.  So of course, we had to get in at least one shot incorporating cheese.  After a mini nap and feeding we set up a small display and posed Baby Young in front of a cheese wheel. He wasn't the biggest fan of the cold table, but we were able to get this shot and it makes me smile.  Fist bump to you too little man  ;)